The ideal ally of your trip, telephones: (+504)2228-3629; (+504)2230-3244; Mobil:(+504)3174-6383


Official name: Republic of El Salvador.
Capital City: San Salvador.
Government: Republican, Democratic, Representative.
Territorial extension: 20,742 km2 Total population: 6,757,408 inhab. Approx.
Currency: US Dollar.
Communications: International direct connection can be used anywhere in the world. The country code is 503. The code for international calls is: 00 Mobile telephony: GSM networks 850, 900, 1900 and 1950 are currently used.
Fax: Fax is available in all hotels.
Internet: It is easy to access the Internet, in business centers of all hotels and in cafes, as well as WI-FI points.
Currency Changes: Visitors are advised to only exchange currencies at banks.
Credit and Debit Cards: Most cards that circulate worldwide can be used.
The smallest country in Central America, El Salvador, is surrounded by Guatemala, Honduras and the Pacific Ocean. With only about 21,000 km², it is one of the smallest countries of the American Continent but is one of the richest in natural scenarios. Between majestic volcanoes and beautiful lakes, El Salvador is best known as "The Country of the Volcanoes". In addition, this beautiful territory has important pre-Columbian archaeological sites and a large number of colonial-style villages that characterize the authenticity of its traditions, culture, history and gastronomy.
Undoubtedly, El Salvador is one of the few countries in the world that has much to offer in such a small territory. El Salvador is Awesome.

Awesome El Salvador

Salvador Salvador Salvador

5 days and 4 nights Starts and ends at El Salvador Airport

El Salvador Most Impressive

Salvador Salvador Salvador

8 days y 7 nights


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Marca País Honduras
Mujeres Cafe Honduras
Instituto Hondureño de Turismo
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